Daily Camp Schedule
Come join us for a day of Camp!
7:00 Horses come in from pasture. Feeding time. Campers are welcome to help and should ask their counselor to wake them up if they want to participate.
7:00 Wake up Bell
7;15 KP (Setting the tables) Campers are assigned KP as one of the daily chores that are announced every day.
7:25 5 minute Bell
7:30 Breakfast We know it’s early! But after a very HOT summer a few years back, we decided to try and put all the riding classes in the morning to escape the afternoon heat and guess what? We never went back! We discovered that getting up a bit earlier and running all our active activities in the early part of the day made the afternoon a more quiet, easier activity time.
8:00 Announcements Counselors stand up and say what they are offering for the three activity periods* of the morning. Classes are announced. Chores are read. Activities for the day are listed on an activity board outside Amy’s office. They are also listed on activity sheets on the bulletin board for sign up.
8:30 1st period starts*
9:45 Start of 2nd Period*
11:00 Start of 3rd Period
12:15 KP Bell
12:25 5 Minute Bell
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Singing We like to sing at Camp. Many of our counselors contact me years later asking for the words to a song that they learned at camp, or telling a funny story related to one of the songs. Some songs are silly, some are loud, some are sad. Song selection is done on a request basis and we try to make sure everyone gets to hear their favorite at least once a week.
1:20 Announcements Staff again will stand individually and announce what they will be offering for the afternoon activity times.
1:30 Chores: We believe that sharing the work of camp leads to a better understanding and respect of ones environment. All campers are assigned one chore per day. These chores are supervised by counselors and counselors take their turn doing the chore every Sunday. Chores can vary from KP, Grooming, Beach, Tack, Sweeping, Hopper, Grounds or many more. Everyone pitches in to keep the place running smoothly.
2:00 Rest Hour: Lunch is our big meal of the day. It is a state law that all campers have a quiet time to slow themselves down. We choose this time to be directly after our big meal to allow the body to rest and recoup from the mornings activities. This time is in the cabin with the cabin counselor. It is a mandatory quite time that many campers will spend writing letters to home, getting to know their bunk mates and counselor, playing quiet games, listening to music, reading a book, or just resting.
3:00 Start of 4th period *
4:15 Start of 4th Period*
5:30 KP
6:00 Supper
6:30 Announcements After Supper announcements is when campers will find out what evening program will be and if any special clothing or equipment will be needed (a sock for Capture the Flag, for instance)
7:30 Evening Program We find that are campers are busy most the day. Most of our day activities are divided into smaller groups of between 5-10 campers. In the evening we try to bring the whole camp together for a group game. These activities are wide and varied in type. We try to have half of the week be taken up by active evening programs and half by passive. This rule can change dependent on the weather. Samples of evening programs are:Camp Fire\Treasure Hunt\Sports Tournament\Drama Games\Counselor Hunt\String Fling\Dutch Auction\Kangaroo Court\Smugglers and Spies\Group Initiatives\Scavenger Hunt and many, many more.
8:30 Snack Time to wind down. Come cookies and water or “Bug Juice” to slow down and relax before taps.
9:00 Taps Announcements for the next day programs are made. Good nights are said then “Day is Done, Gone the Sun, From the Lake, From the Hills, From the Sky, All is Well, Safely Rest, God is Nigh, And Good Night. Campers go up to their cabins with their cabin counselors. Each cabin is given a turn at the shower house for wash up and showers. This is a great time for the cabin unit to sit with their cabin mates and staff and reflect on the day’s activities.
9:30-10:00 Lights Out. This of course, varies with age. The youngest campers are allowed to wash up first and often the counselor will choose to read them a story to help them make the transition to bed. Older campers may stay up a bit later in their cabin as long as they are quiet and respect the other cabins right to sleep. Sr. Unit, the oldest campers are allowed to stay down at the Dining Hall after taps for and additional hour if they have participated in Sr. Unit work projects. A designated cabin counselor will be on “hill” duty every night in both boys and girls area. This person is rotated among the cabin counselors and made known to all cabins of campers. This person not only acts as monitor, but safety personnel close at hand.
*Activity Periods: Every Sunday after evening program, we sit down with all the staff and campers to get ideas of what the campers would like to do for the upcoming week. We use those ideas in our Sunday night staff meeting when planning our evening activities. We try hard to encourage the campers to constantly feed us with new suggestions on program ideas they would like to participate in. There are 5 Activity periods offered each day, 5 days a week. These activity periods may be the entire 1 1/4 hours if the activity is more Indepth (like a riding class), or it may be divided into two-35-minute activities (like a sport or arts and craft activity). Every period there are 3-5 activities offered in addition to the riding classes. Some of these activities are active, some passive. Campers must sign up for all activity periods with one 35 minute that can be a “free choice” period. Sign up allows us to keep track of all campers and know where they are in case of an emergency. Examples of activities offered can be found under the Camp Program links and the Camp Riding links. The Staff sits down every day directly after Supper and plans what they are going to do for the next day. This allows them to be fresh with their ideas, and play them off of the campers that are at camp at that time.