Show Team

The Cedar Lodge Show Team is an opportunity for Cedar Lodge campers to participate in the exciting world of Hunter-Jumper Horse Shows. The Show Team is sponsored by Cedar Lodge Stables. A separate professional hunter stables that shares the grounds with the camp. While the Show Team is open to any Cedar Lodge advanced English riders, there are many very stringent requirements which do apply.

The Show Team does not necessarily go to a show every weekend during the summer due to camp scheduling or availability of proper shows. Arrangements must be made with Chris Cochrane, the Show Team Director. For a list of possible shows for the summer season please contact us. If you are interested in this program, and not able to come to camp during the weeks shows are offered, you may want to consider our Gold Riding Plan option. This program is offered in weeks that Cedar Lodge is not at horse shows.

The Show Team Director will make all final decisions as to which classes a particular rider may show. This is not an automatic process but a decision based on the rider’s ability and maturity as well as the rider’s willingness to hold up to their end of the other responsibilities of the trip. A horse show is a somewhat intense experience and all Cedar Lodge campers who attend as members of the Show Team must participate in all phases of the trip including horse care, packing, loading and unloading, clean up and helping others. It is truly a team project.

Rider requirements:

1) 10 years of age or older. (younger campers will be considered under very special circumstances.)
2) You have to be able to lead, bridle, saddle, groom and totally take care of your own horse while at the show.
3) You have to be able to walk, trot (know your diagonals) and canter (know your leads) securely among a large group (10-20 riders in the ring at the same time). You must be able to ride the trot at both a posting and sitting trot and with or without stirrups.
4) you must have proper attire!!!!!
5) Approval of the Show Team Director, Chris Cochrane
6) Must be a at Cedar Lodge for at least a 2 week stay to qualify

Show Team Clothing List:

– 2 pair of breeches-beige or moss preferred-no white or canary. OR jodhpurs with garters and paddock boots.
– 1 pair practice breeches-any color
– 1 black show helmet-must be SEI approved
– 1 hunt coat- blue or black, pinstripe preferred-solid black, dark blue, dark green acceptable
– 2 riding shirts-one has to be long sleeved. Any pastel color or white with conservative color stripes
– 1 pair riding boots-leather preferred
– 1 pair black riding gloves
– 1 black or brown belt (match boots)
– Jumping bat and/or spurs optional

Show Team Cost:

– 535.00 per week with Cedar Lodge show horse.
– 200.00 per week with own horse

Fees include the following:

1) 535.00 fee includes the exclusive use of a Show Team Horse

Both Fees include:

2) Two special ring lessons each day.
3) Coaching at the show
4)Ground lessons on braiding and grooming for showing
5)All special horse grooming needs and special equipment need to be able to participate at a show
6)Personal transportation to and from show
7)All food at show

Additional Personal Costs:

1) Entry fees for the classes: 8-12 classes at 10.00-20.00 per class
2) Overnight stall fee for the horse: 50.00-80.00 per show
3) Show administration costs:15.00-30.00 per show
4) Transportation for the horse to and from show: 25.00-100.00 per show
5) Motel Cost for the rider: 40.00-60.00 per show

It is important to note that most of the shows that we do attend are two-day shows (Saturday and Sunday). As all shows are open to the public, parents may visit the shows if they wish, but we do ask that parents do not participate in the schooling of their children or interact too much with their child during the show. The Show Team normally returns to Cedar Lodge on Sunday evening about 7:00 PM Michigan time.

If you have additional questions, please contact Chris Cochrane, Show Team Director at: Cedar Lodge Stables (269)674-8072