Vaulting Club

Vaulting is described as the combination of two major sports; Gymnastics and Horseback riding. People with a background in either sports have excelled in vaulting and found a home in this unique sport, and those with experience in neither sport have found vaulting to be their new love.

Cedar Lodge is proud to offer two main vaulting programs in their year around club:

Recreational vaulting:

Those that think vaulting is fun and a good work out, perhaps the enjoy the time with the horses, and the other vaulters, but they have no interest in competing at least for now.

Competition vaulting:

Those that wish to compete and continue through the levels, Cedar Lodge competes 3-5 times a year. 1 or 2 times a year CL brings in upper level clinicians to help the CL vaulters performing at their best. In addition to regional competitions, Cedar Lodge Vaulting Team competes at Nationals regularly.

What are the facts of the Cedar Lodge Vaulting Club?


Cedar Lodge has 3 year around coaches. All bring their own expertise and specialties, giving CL a depth of coaching not capable in most clubs.


CL has 6 vaulting horses. 3 walk, trot and 3 canter horses in their regular programs. In large lessons, usually at least two horses will be used to assure that all vaulters get a quality experience and a maximum amount of “horse” time during their lessons.


Thursdays: Advanced-4:30, Walk/trot-5:30 (arrival time)  Saturdays-Advanced A-1:00, Advanced B-2:15, Walk/Trot-2:45


General lessons will all be groups. General lessons:20.00 Canter: 35.00 Privates:60.00 Monthly payment plan at discounted rate available.

More information:

Contact us through our vaulting email page

PLEASE join our Cedar Lodge Vaulting!  Facebook page to make sure that you are updated on time and date changes!

All lessons are open lessons BUT must have notification in advance to make sure that the appropriate number of instructors and horses are available. Please let us know if you are joining us!