Camper Horse Board
Instuction Sheet for horse boarding
Camp Cedar Lodge has a unique and varied school of camp horses that they select to fit the various needs of our students at camp. There is, however a group of campers that opt to bring their own horses to camp for their stay. Campers are welcome to bring their own horse provided they follow the rules set out by Camp Cedar Lodge and Cedar Lodge Stables. If their horse is of suitable nature, they are welcome to ride him\her in their daily riding class. If not, they are welcome to sign up for the full riding program, and ride their horse in the practice rides held in the afternoon. Camper’s horse care will be over seen by our year around riding facility staff and given the same high level of care that all regular Cedar Lodge horses receive.
Please be advised that campers bringing their own horse AND using that horse for their riding class DO NOT have to pay the Bronze Riding fee. There will however, be extra charges for the Silver, and Gold programs, even when using their own horses, but the charges will not be the same as other campers. Campers must still participate in one of the riding programs at camp to ride their horse at camp. The riding program fee is covered with in the boarding fee of a camper’s horse.
If you choose to bring your horse to camp, your horse will need the following:
– A current year 5-way shot
– A Rhino Shot
– A Potomac Shot
– A West Nile Shot
– A Negative Coggins
– Wormed before the horse comes to camp within four weeks.
– Trimmed or Shod at least 2 weeks before the horse comes to camp.
Board for your horse is extra. It is not included in your camp fee.
Boarding fee: 300.00 per week
– A Box Stall
– Hay and Grain
– Turn out time
– Clean stall and Bedding
– All care
IF your horse has special dietary needs you must bring them along with you to camp. Short term campers are encouraged to bring their own feed, as the change over to new grain and hay for short term stays can be quite taxing on horses. There will be no discount for this action. For more information about our stables, visit our Stable Facility page.
– Riding will be permitted during regular riding class only.(Like regular camper)
– No campers or boarders will be permitted to ride your horse.
– You may spend extra time with your horse (non-riding) during free time or when no other all camp activities are scheduled.
Call Chris Cochrane at Cedar Lodge Stables (269)674-8072 or [email protected]
Need a form? Go to Campers Horse Boarding .
Remember: Reservations for a box stall are on a first come first serve basis. No stall will be held until all paper work is in to Chris. Stall Reservations should accompany camper applications to assure a space is saved.