Once You Are Signed Up Forms


Greetings to all Cedar Lodge Campers and Parents,

In a very short time, you will leave the hustle and bustle of your home and start an adventure which we hope you will remember for the rest of your lifetime. You can say that I was raised into camping. My parents were working at camp before I was born, and it has always been a part of my summertime experience. I remember being very young, laying in the cabin at night listening to the sounds of frogs croaking and the hoot of an owl, and shuffling off to the shower house late at night while looking up at the sky full of stars or a moon so full it lit up everything as if it were daytime. It was exciting to hear the bell ringing first thing in the morning in unison with the just waking birds, to pull your clothes on quickly and rush down to the dining hall through the fog and dew-covered grass for breakfast and another fun filled day.

The summers I spent at camp were never long enough and once I arrived at home I would start making my plans for the following year. I never dreamed that when I got older, I would get the privilege of still having camp as such an important part of my life and that I would get to share that special experience with so many new and old campers every year. My wish for you this summer is that camp will always have a special place in your heart and you will come back again and again.

Our Cedar Lodge Staff wait your arrival and are thankful you are able to spend part of your summer with us. We are looking forward to another summer full of surprises and adventures.

Until we meet,

Amy Edwards, Director
[email protected]

For Overnight, Day and Mini-Me Campers. Information you need to read:

Parent Guide 2024


Cedar Lodge Daily Schedule



Camp map 3


Once you are signed up:
Please visit this link, make an account and fill out your camp forms for summer 2025:

Camp Forms I need to fill out for camp

Have questions? Join our Zoom meetings on the 15th of every month at 19:00. Find information on joining us on our Where Can You Meet Us?” page.

For Overnight Campers only:

Clothing List for Overnight camp

2024 Cedar Lodge pre-camp COVID requirements
Above statement is Cedar Lodge’s COVID testing requirements.

Over Day Campers and Mini-Me Campers only:

Day Camp Clothing List

Day Camp drop off, pick up and daily structure

Riding and Horse related forms:

Riding stuff you need for camp
