General Camp Programs
Special Trips
Because of Cedar Lodge’s small size, it allows us a unique amount of flexibility in taking small groups, or even the whole camp out on day trips to special activities. These are planned, some in advance, some every Sunday, and some the night before dependent on where and what is in question.
Basketball\Tennis\Play Ground:
Weekly Trips are planned to visit the Lawrence Downtown Park. At the park there are basketball courts, tennis courts and a unique multi-aged play ground. Trips here are limited in size, accompanied by two staff members, and are usually selected by age and desire of the group.
Lake Michigan:
Two to Three times a summer the entire camp (Including the cooks and barn staff) are packed up and taken to Van Buren State Park for the day. There campers and staff swim, climb sand dunes, cook out and play in the sand. The camp leaves directly after lunch and stay at the beach until early evening. The supper meal is brought in by the kitchen staff. All lifegaurding is done by Cedar Lodge staff, and care is taken for amount of sun, heat and water time all campers participate in. This is by far one of the favorite trips in camp.
Van Buren County Fair:
The Van Buren Fair is definitely a unique experience that not many other camps are able to offer. Held in July every year, the Van Buren Fair is a 4-H youth fair, complete with still and livestock exhibits, local exhibitions, and carnival rides. The entire camp goes after lunch for one day and stays until early evening. With in their cabin unit, the campers visit the different exhibits, get to talk to the participants about their entry, watching a little livestock judging, ride the rides and eat their share of carnival food. One of the favorite camp times, call for dates and availability.
Kal-Haven Trail:
For those that want a more extensive biking experience, groups of campers are taken to Kal-Haven Bike trail, a local part of the Rails to Trails program which has a chapter 10 miles from camp. These trails are renovated railroad lines that offer a safe, medium grade path for biking and hiking. Our Kal-Haven trail runs from Kalamazoo to South Haven, a distance of over 40 miles. Every week or two, Cedar Lodge drops off a group of bikers somewhere on the trail (dependent on the age and ability of bikers) and picks up in scenic South Haven.For more information, please go to our Biking page.
Blue Berry Picking:
Cedar Lodge is in the middle of fruit country. Blue Berry season comes in at the middle to end of our camp season. Cedar Lodge tries to arrange a day trip one day every summer to one of the local farms for a couple of hours of picking (and eating). The campers stash is than brought back to camp where the fresh blue berries are used in fruit salads, desserts and meals.
Horse Shows:
When the chance is available, qualified riders are invited to join the show team at a local show. These are often campers thinking of joining show team that desire to see what it is all about. The campers help out with the day routine of the horse show, and get a chance of watching their fellow campers compete.
Sunday Programs:
Every Sunday there is a group that is staying over from one week to the next. This group will often have no visitors coming to visit them on Sunday. When staff is available, this group is often given the opportunity to visit the local Flea market to search for treasures, or taken to the local Ice Cream store for a special treat.